FBI to offer explosives awareness training at MSU

Mississippi State will host the FBI National Improvised Explosives Familiarization (NIEF) and Chemical Industry Outreach Workshop (CIOW) on Sept. 25 from 1-5 p.m.

The free workshop will teach law enforcement, first responders, chemical industry representatives and university personnel how to identify and recognize improvised explosives.

The awareness training will take place in the auditorium at the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems in the Cochran Research Park from 1-3:15 p.m. The explosives demonstration will be conducted at the Mississippi Horse Park from 3:30-5 p.m.

Please contact OST Linda Pilgrim, FBI Jackson Division, 601-713-7616, linda.pilgrim@ic.fbi.gov or SABT Brandon Grant, FBI Jackson Division 601-713-7534, brandon.grant@ic.fbi.gov to reserve a seat.

All university personnel, including students, are encouraged to attend. Contact Patricia Cox in the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at pcox@ehs.msstate.edu or 662-325-0620 for additional information.