UMagazinology features BCoE's Momentum magazine

A recent redesign of the MSU Bagley College of Engineering's Momentum magazine has caught the attention of UMagazinology, a blog that chronicles changes, trends and accomplishments of university magazines across the country.

The post by blog author Dale Keiger, the associate editor of Johns Hopkins Magazine Group, calls attention to three magazines, including those from American University and the University of South Carolina, which overhauled their looks in 2012—something he said was “all the rage” last year.

Among the upgrades to Momentum, which Keiger calls a dramatic change, are a larger size and increased emphasis on photography. The fall issue also introduced a new organization scheme--including sections titled “Around Engineering Row”, ‘Eureka Moments” and “Bulldog Engineers”—and a wider variety of content. The changes will continue through the magazine’s spring issue, which will bring more finesse to the print publication and new structure to its website, which began including video in 2011.

Momentum magazine is produced by the BCoE’s publications and communications office, which is composed of Heather Rowe, Susan Lassetter and Todd Dickey. University Relations photographers Megan Bean, Beth Wynn and Russ Houston contribute the professional photography. It is distributed on campus through the various engineering offices and mailed to all Bagley alumni.

A digital version of the print issue can be found by clicking here.