Governor, energy leaders visiting Mississippi State Oct. 3

Contact: Jim Laird

STARKVILLE, Miss.--Mississippi State University will host Gov. Phil Bryant and energy-industry leaders this week for "Powering Mississippi in the 21st Century."

The Oct. 3 program examining Mississippi's energy future takes place from 1-3:30 p.m. in MSU's Colvard Student Union Foster Ballroom. The Mississippi Energy Institute and Mississippi Development Authority are sponsoring the panel discussion, which is free and open to all.

"Our state has vital contributions to make in finding solutions to the world's growing energy needs, and helping meet those needs is a vital part of our land-grant mission of research and service," said MSU President Mark E. Keenum, who will welcome the visitors to campus.

Executives who will be offering "Perspectives from the Energy Sector" include: Bob Balzar, vice president for energy efficiency, TVA; Richard Mills, CEO, Tellus Operating Group; Stephen Johnston, president, Itron Cellular Solutions; and Haley Fisackerly, president and CEO, Entergy Mississippi.

The event will conclude with a question and answer session with Mississippi State and local high school students.

Earlier this week, Bryant was named chairman of the Southern States Energy Board, which promotes energy-based economic development, innovation, programs and policies.

"Mississippi is a leader in the energy sector because of our diversity of resources and our proactive approach to providing infrastructure for this industry, and I believe that we have only just scratched the surface of energy growth in our state," Bryant said in a news release.

On Oct. 4, the Governor's Energy Summit will be held in Jackson and feature state and national energy leaders with a luncheon keynote address by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. This event is free and open to the public. Registration information is available at