Every good idea starts with a question . . . What can we do better?
Your input is needed as MSU moves toward identifying the topic of its Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). The QEP is a part of MSU's accreditation process for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), and is an opportunity for improvement or enhancement in one key area of undergraduate student learning.
Many have already contributed ideas by participating in one of approximately 40 face-to-face listening sessions organized across campus for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and civic and professional groups connected to MSU. While drawing to the end of the dialogue phase of the QEP process, you are asked to consider ways that MSU could improve or enhance some aspect of undergraduate student learning. Please visit the QEP Web site (qep.msstate.edu) to submit your ideas. You will log in using your netID and password, but all comments remain confidential.
We also invite you to participate in a campus-wide listening session to help MSU identify key areas of focus regarding undergraduate student learning which may become MSU's QEP. This session will take place Thursday [Feb. 9], from 1-3 p.m. in Fowlkes Auditorium of the Colvard Student Union.
The session will be hosted by Dr. Jerry Gilbert, MSU provost and executive vice president, along with Drs. Angi Bourgeois and Connie Forde, co-chairs of the QEP Topic Selection Task Force.