Benefits open enrollment for eligible Mississippi State employees runs through Oct. 25, according to Human Resources Management.
Open enrollment changes include adding new coverage, changing existing coverage, or canceling coverage. The changes become effective Jan. 1, 2012.
Please refer to the HRM website to obtain open enrollment information and resources, which is located under HRM "News" section. For those who do not have access to a computer, please come to HRM or call to obtain this information.
The 2011 Open Enrollment Information and Resources include new premium rates for Delta Dental and Davis Vision, which will become effective Jan. 1, 2012, and information regarding Flexible Spending Account elections effective for the 2012 plan year. HRM encourages employees to read carefully, as this contains very important and time-sensitive information regarding benefits.
Benefits-eligible employees may make changes by:
Online open enrollment: Step-by-step instructions for completing Online Open Enrollment is included in the 2011 Open Enrollment Information and Resources, which will be located on the HRM website under HRM "News."
HRM website: Employees may refer to the Benefits Section on the HRM website,, to obtain most product information and appropriate forms.
HRM benefits staff: Employees who need assistance from the HRM Benefits Staff should schedule an appointment by calling 662-325-3713. The Department of Human Resources Management, 150 McArthur Hall, is open between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to assist employees as needed.
Off-campus open enrollment: A schedule for off-campus open enrollment can be found in the 2011 Open Enrollment Information and Resources listed under the "News" section on the HRM website.
Please note: If choosing to make changes, all online elections must be completed by Oct. 25, and all completed applications must be received by HRM by Oct. 28 to be effective for 2012.