Discovery Channel star to speak, help host MSU engineering events

Contact: Sammy McDavid


STARKVILLE, Miss.--The host of Discovery Channel's "Time Warp" popular science program is visiting Mississippi State early next month.

Jeff Lieberman will be at the university Oct. 4 as part of the Bagley College of Engineering's Hearin Distinguished Lecture Series. His 7 p.m. address in Lee Hall's Bettersworth Auditorium coincides with the college's annual E-Day observance, whose 2011 theme is "The Art of Engineering."

The public program, titled "Beyond Imagination," concludes with a question-and-answer session for audience members.

During the morning, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientist, teacher and artist joins college officials to welcome visiting high school students and their parents who are on campus for the college's daylong fall recruiting effort. In the afternoon, he will be with Bagley faculty and staff at a special session for elementary and middle school students.

"Time Warp" first aired on the cable channel in early 2008. With the technologies of digital imaging expert Matt Kearney, Lieberman takes natural events and transforms them into highly educational--and easily understandable--learning experiences.

(For more on the TV program, visit; on Lieberman,

"Among goals of this year's E-Day observance are to help better educate the campus and general public about the creativity and design elements of the engineering profession, while highlighting accomplishments, particularly in research, via the visual arts," said Lori Bruce, the Bagley College associate dean who is coordinating Lieberman's visit.

"We also are highlighting our bonds with the College of Architecture, Art and Design through, among other methods, featured examples of faculty research in the fields of scientific visualization and augmented reality," she added.

For more on the Bagley College, visit