MSU police department receives national re-accreditation

Contact: Kenneth Billings

STARKVILLE, Miss.--The university police department at Mississippi State continues to be among only six in the state holding credentials from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.

Part of the Division of Student Affairs and led by Chief Georgia B. Lindley, the 32-officer department recently was re-accredited for the maximum three-year period.

Based in Fairfax, Va., CALEA is governed by a board of 21 law enforcement, public safety, judicial, and governmental representatives. The voluntary accreditation process is designed to promote improved delivery of public safety services through a comprehensive body of standards. (For more, visit

The MSU Police Department is one of two higher education-based organizations in Mississippi holding national accreditation. (For information about services and operation of the MSU Police Department, visit

"The MSU Police Department is proud and honored to continue to be a CALEA agency," Lindley said. "Our continued accreditation represents our significant commitment to the highest professional standards of public safety management, administration, operations, and support services."

During an on-site visit in late 2010 to examine the department's policy and procedures, management, operations, and support services, assessors were particularly complimentary of the department's location within student affairs, Lindley said. Also receiving positive reviews was the close relationship with the departments of housing and residence life and athletics, she added.

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