Schedule adjustment announced for Jan. 10 snow day

The university has announced an additional class day to compensate for the Jan. 10 snow day that caused the closing of the Starkville campus. The addition will allow the university to meet the required contact time for classes on a MWF, MW, or M schedule, said Provost Jerry Gilbert.

"With input from various sources and after much discussion of multiple options, it has been decided to add an additional Monday class day to the end of the existing schedule for the spring of 2011," he said. "The last day of classes will now be Monday, April 25."

Tuesday, April 26, will be a Reading Day, and Final Exams will begin on Wednesday, April 27. The resulting exam days will be April 27, 28, and 29, and May 2 and 3.

Gilbert said there will be two Commencement ceremonies: Friday, April 29 at 7 p.m., and Saturday, April 30 at 10 a.m. "The revised academic schedule and revised exam schedule will be posted soon on the Registrar's Office website."

He continued: "I apologize for any inconvenience this rescheduling may present. We are taking steps to minimize the possibility that a similar scheduling situation could occur in the future."