PCSW launches 'Food for Thought' luncheons

To provide information to a broad range of women around campus, the President's Commission on the Status of Women this fall is launching a "Food for Thought" luncheon.

"We will have one in the fall semester and one in the spring to begin with," explained Mary McLendon, PCSW chair. "Our goal is to expand the outreach of our committee and provide information about issues and concerns of interest to women faculty, staff and students."

Set for Oct. 20, the first "Food for Thought" will focus on benefits available to women at MSU. The commission is providing lunch to the first 25 who attend the 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. session in 339 McCool.

Presenter for "Women, Know Your Benefits" will be Judy Spencer, interim director of MSU's Human Resources Management.

"Our program committee, chaired by Dr. Anne Marshall, assistant professor of history, has some great ideas for upcoming programs and would welcome suggestions from others on campus," McLendon said.

Formed in the 1970s, the commission advises the university president on issues affecting the status and role of women on campus. For more information, see http://www.committees.msstate.edu/pcsw/index.php.