Local scout thanked

Contact: Kenneth Billings

Boy Scout Davis Pigg of Starkville (second from left) is being thanked by Mississippi State's T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability for a handmade wheel-chair ramp he constructed for the university-affiliated Mississippi Horse Park. The son of Jason and Robin Pigg, he also raised funds to purchase materials for the project, a part of his Eagle Scout rank quest. The ramp aids wheelchair-bound individuals taking part in Camp Jabber Jaw's horseback riding activities at the Poorhouse Road complex. Pigg recently accepted a handmade certificate of appreciation created by current campers. Joining Martin Center director Janie Cirlot-New (left) for the presentation were camper Jacob Alford and volunteer staff member Mickey Gallop.

For more on Camp Jabber Jaw, visit www.tkmartin.msstate.edu/projects/jabberjaw.php.

For more information about Mississippi State University, see http://www.msstate.edu/.