Purse-snatching investigated by MSU Police

A Sunday evening purse-snatching near Sessums Hall on the MSU campus is being investigated by the MSU Police Department.

A female student reported that as she was walking outside the four-story residence hall, located on the eastern edge of campus, her purse was taken by force.

She described the suspect as a black male, approximately 5'10" to 6'0" tall and weighing approximately 180 pounds, wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt with writing on the front of the shirt.

Police are asking that anyone with information about the incident, or anyone witnessing suspicious activity on campus, contact officers at 662-325-2121.

"We remind students and all university employees to be aware of their surroundings, and, when possible, avoid walking alone, especially at night," said Dean of Students Thomas Bourgeois.

"We ask everyone's help in taking precautions to ensure personal safety."

Mon, 07/20/2009 - 00:00