LSU prof to lead chemistry seminar

Dr. Isiah M. Warner of the chemistry department of Louisiana State University will lecture on "The Nano-world of Chemistry: Applications to Analytical Chemistry" Thursday, April 9.

His presentation begins at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1144 of Hand Lab.

The primary research emphasis of Warner's research is the development and application of improved methodology (chemical, mathematical and instrumental) for studies of complex chemical systems. His research interests include fluorescence spectroscopy, guest/host interactions, studies in organized media, spectroscopic applications of multichannel detectors, chromatography, environmental analyses, and mathematical analyses and interpretation of chemical data using chemometrics (chemical data analysis techniques).

Warner has published more than 230 articles in journals since 1975. He has given more than 400 invited talks since 1979. In 1985, he was issued a patent for his work, "Process and Apparatus for Chemical Removal of Oxygen in Luminescence Measurements"; a patent in 1986 for "Method and Apparatus for the Stabilization of Direct Current Arc Lamp"; and one in 1998 for "Micelle Polymers for Improved Separations of Chiral Species." He has since had two additional patents, and has one other patent pending.

Warner has chaired 31 doctoral theses since 1982 and is currently supervising 13 other Ph.D. theses.

Tue, 04/07/2009 - 00:00