Eight Mississippi State and Starkville women are this year's selection for an honors program sponsored by the MSU President's Commission on the Status of Women and Starkville branch of AmSouth Bank. Recently recognized for outstanding achievement are (seated, from left), Rebecca K. Toghiani, Outstanding Faculty Woman; Ruth W. Josey, Bettye Douglas Memorial Outstanding Secretarial/Clerical Woman; Liesel A. Ritchie, Outstanding Professional Non-Faculty Woman; (standing, from left); Kay C. Krans, Outstanding Community Woman; Clytee T. James, Outstanding Service/Maintenance Woman; senior Sara S. Smolensky of Waveland, Outstanding Undergraduate Woman; and Barbara A. Spencer, Outstanding Executive/Administrative/Managerial Woman. Presenting the awards were AmSouth branch president Larry Jones (left) and MSU President Malcolm Portera. Not pictured is doctoral student Patricia Dillon of Deltona, Fla., Outstanding Graduate Woman.