Hardy Street closed for repairs; detour in place

Contact: Kay Fike Jones

Possibly as early as Wednesday [May 19], a section of the Mississippi State University street often called "Engineering Row" will close for major repair work.

The north end of Hardy Street, which connects Lee Boulevard with Morrill Road, will be blocked to traffic while construction is under way. The heavily used street will receive new asphalt, as well as new drainage, curbs and gutters. MSU Physical Plant personnel are doing the work, using materials donated by area contractors.

Traffic will be rerouted to Roberts Drive, which is located between the MSU Laundry and McKee Residence Hall. Motorists should turn south off of Lee Boulevard onto Roberts, then exit the street on Morrill east of the Longest Student Health Center.

Other sections of Hardy will close later this summer: in front of Etheredge Chemical Engineering Building and Mitchell Memorial Library on June 9; in front of the Stennis Institute of Government, June 23.

Weather and other factors permitting, construction should be completed and Hardy Street reopened to traffic by Aug. 1.

For more information about the street renovations, telephone Don Mott, Peter Rook or Timmy Shaw at (662) 325-2052.