Contact: Sammy McDavid
Three state commissioners will be among more than 300 attending Insurance Day activities April 28 at Mississippi State University.
Sponsored by the Peter Koch Lutken-Mississippi Chair of Insurance, the 12th annual campus program will offer participants from throughout the Southeast a range of continuing education presentations.
The 9 a.m. opening session in the Wise Center auditorium features remarks by George Dale of Mississippi--the nation's longest serving insurance commissioner--and counterparts Jim Brown of Louisiana and Carroll Fisher of Oklahoma.
Other assembly speakers, their topics and times include:
--Steven Lilienthal, executive vice president of the St. Paul Companies, "Financial Services after 2000," 11 a.m.;
--Michael C. Fay, senior vice president for marketing with the Ranger Insurance Co., "The Changing Face of the Insurance Market," 1:30 p.m.; and
--Rick Mason, marketing manager for SAFECO Insurance Co., "Y2K Strategies," 3:30 p.m.
In addition to the plenary sessions, specialized programs will be offered concurrently in the areas of property/casualty, claims adjustment and life/health policy issues.
Robert A. Hershbarger, holder of the Lutken-Mississippi Chair (endowed professorship) in MSU's College of Business and Industry, said the yearly spring program traditionally mixes business and pleasure. In addition to increasing their overall knowledge, some professionals may earn six credit hours for attending, he added.
"We also invite registrants to arrive a day early [the 27th] for several social activities that precede the work period," Hershbarger said. The events include a golf tournament, barbecue and the MSU-University of Southern Mississippi baseball game.
For more information on the 1999 Insurance Day, telephone Hershbarger at (601) 325-7475. The fax is 325-1977; the e-mail address,