Contact: Maridith Geuder
A Mississippi State University program that provides accelerated learning experiences for academically talented students is celebrating its third decade.
Established in 1968 as a part of the College of Arts and Sciences and later expanded, the University Honors Program marks the anniversary with an awards program Saturday [April 18] and Scholarship Recognition Day Sunday [the 19th]. The two events culminate a week of student-related activities.
The 2 p.m. Saturday program in the Bost Extension Center auditorium recognizes the academic and service achievements of honors program participants, as well as the selection of the outstanding honors faculty member. The 2:30 p.m. Sunday program at the Newell-Grissom Building spotlights all university Dean's and President's scholars.
"In the 30 years since it began, this program has shown remarkable growth," said director Jack White. "Enrollments have increased from fewer than 100 when the program began to more than 1,200 today."
The MSU honors program is the largest of its kind in Mississippi and one of the largest in the South, White said. Its programs are included in the nationally distributed Peterson's Honors Programs Guide, he added.
Currently enrolled students have an average American College Test composite score of 28.8 (out of a maximum 36) and a grade-point average of 3.7 (out of 4.0).
Serving all university majors, the program offers smaller classes and opportunities for independent research, special projects, advanced courses, internships, study-abroad programs, and seminars.
Also, a weekly honors forum provides speakers from fields that have ranged from diplomacy and music to scientific research and computer technology.