Students tap professors as top advisors

Contact: Maridith Geuder

A student group is recognizing two Mississippi State University professors for their academic advising.

Clyde Herring of the School of Accountancy and Richard Harkess of plant and soil sciences have been named the 1997 Advisors of the Year by the Council of Student Organizations. It is the first time the awards have been made.

Herring is faculty advisor for Beta Alpha Psi, an accounting honorary with approximately 50 members. He recently was named the National Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding Faculty Advisor.

Harkess serves as advisor for the Mississippi State University Horticulture Club.

"We made these awards for the first time this year, but we hope that we can recognize outstanding faculty members annually," said Brian McCann of Southaven, a broadcast meteorology major and CSO president.

Professors were nominated by student organizations based on time devoted to the student group, leadership and personality, he said. The final selection was made by a student committee of the council.