Mississippi State alumnus Anthony Craven, a 2001 graduate, grew up a Bulldog fan. In fact, as he describes it, he was baptized in maroon and white. One of his early memories is sitting by the radio listening to Jack Cristil call Bulldog football games on Saturdays and sneaking a transistor radio under his pillow to hear the famed voice of Mississippi State long past his bedtime.
Spending so much time in front of a radio led Craven to choose broadcast communications as a career. His choice eventually led to his current stint as news and public affairs director for WMSV, where he is also one of the voices for the university's syndicated, regional sports talk show, Southeastern Drive Time.
"I have been incredibly blessed," Craven said. "Not everything you set out to do works out, and there are always goals left to achieve, but being a part of Southeastern Drive Time and WMSV has given me the opportunity to work for the university I love and
get on the radio and talk about sports. It means a lot that my efforts have paid off."