Lydia Thompson

Lydia Thompson

Lydia Thompson says that much of the credit for her career in art and education goes to her mother.

As a youngster, the new head of the department of art at Mississippi State credits her mother with engaging her in constructive activities focused on creative tasks and working with her hands, often buying her craft kits and the like to keep her busy.

During the summer, much of her time was spent in art and design classes for children at the local college, giving her a foundation for her future career.

Despite those early influences, however, Thompson said her career path almost took a different turn. She initially decided to major in business when enrolling in college, but after taking an art class the first year, she knew she had found her calling and changed her major. During her sophomore year, she found her niche in ceramics and began gravitating toward sculptural work.

The associate professor says that coming to Mississippi State is a chance for her to meld the three most important aspects of her career to have the greatest impact on students.

"I saw coming to MSU as an opportunity to bridge the artistic, educational and administrative components of what I do into an opportunity to make a difference with students."