Amanda Clay Powers

Amanda Clay Powers

Mississippi State librarian Amanda Clay Powers knows about information, not construction. While she doesn't run a taxi service, she has "virtually" helped take library patrons to MSU libraries.

Don't have time to stop by the library? Are you in a different part of the state, even a different country? That won't stop you from chatting online with a librarian, researching databases or even learning about library events on Facebook.

Powers' work with Library 2.0 software has created many more entrances to the university's libraries and made visiting much easier. Library patrons will continue to enter the library through the traditional entrances, but she and others at Mitchell Memorial library have made being a "virtual patron" another access point for information.

"The library is always closer than you think," Powers said, sitting at her computer terminal with her iPhone in sight. "We see ourselves as a resource leader in terms of technology."

The physical library will never go away, but its reach stretches as far as the Internet will allow.

"People have moved their lives online," said the assistant professor and reference librarian. "Why shouldn't we move the library online, too?"

In addition to the Web site, you can find Powers and MSU Libraries online at Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, and Google video.