Brenda Neubauer

Brenda Neubauer

Brenda Neubauer's experience with James Taylor stands out from the hundreds of Mississippi State events she has helped make a success. Backstage before his performance, she saw Taylor up close and made eye contact.

"I got my smile," she said while discussing Taylor's time at Mississippi State. "I got to nod at him and smile."

She loves smiles and wants each person who attends an MSU event to leave smiling, whether it's a sporting event at "The Hump" or a cultural event for the Lyceum Series.

Neubauer's job description since she began as a graduate student has remained essentially the same for decades—make sure people have a good time while attending events at MSU.

Whether they're watching the Bulldogs play basketball or attending a performance by the London-based Puppini Sisters in Lee Hall auditorium, Neubauer wants people to enjoy themselves. As coordinator of services for Humphrey Coliseum and the university's Lyceum Series, Neubauer books concert dates and takes care of all logistics for internationally renowned orchestras one day and makes sure the hot dog machines in the coliseum work on other days.

She loves this about her job: it's never boring.