Log your volunteer hours with OrgSync


If you are a Mississippi State student, faculty or staff member who volunteers with any organization on a regular basis, you may be eligible for a volunteer award. To be considered for an award, just create an OrgSync account and start logging your volunteer hours. Creating an OrgSync is easy and will allow you to create your own volunteer record.

How to create an OrgSync account and log your hours

1.) Login using your net ID and password at https://orgsync.com/login/mississippi-state-university or visit http://www.mvc.msstate.edu and click "Volunteers Login"

2.) Under "My Tools" click "Involvement"

3.) Then click "Add Involvement Entry"

About volunteer awards

Each year the Maroon Volunteer Center (MVC) hosts the Volunteer Awards Banquet during April's National Volunteer Week. During this banquet, individual volunteers and campus groups are recognized for their volunteer efforts. Several awards are given during the banquet for volunteer work completed during the school year, including:

-- Volunteer Spirit Award - over 50 hours (individuals)

-- President's Volunteer Service Award - over 100 hours (individuals) and over 200 hours (groups)

-- Student Volunteer of the Year

-- Staff Volunteer of the Year

-- Faculty Volunteer of the Year

-- Student Organization of the Year

-- Community Partner of the Year

-- Semester of Service Challenge

For students, faculty and staff interested in volunteering or are having difficulty finding a place to volunteer, we encourage you to sign up for the MVC's weekly volunteer newsletter at http://tinyurl.com/abznw3a or visit the event calendar located at http://mvc.msstate.edu/events.

For more information on the Maroon Volunteer Center and volunteer awards, please visit the MVC website at http://www.mvc.msstate.edu or contact the MVC at volunteer@saffairs.msstate.edu or 662-325-2150.