EcoCAR 2 team interest meeting set for Tuesday

The MSU EcoCAR 2 team is gearing up for the third and final year of the EcoCAR 2: Plugging into the Future challenge. After placing first overall in Year One and fifth overall in Year Two, the team hopes to finish with a strong performance in Year Three. The team is encouraging students to attend an interest meeting Tuesday [Aug. 27], at 5 p.m., in Carpenter Hall, Room 112.

EcoCAR isn’t just for engineers. The competition also includes a communication and a business side. Those involved would like to tell each student how he or she can possibly participate with the team.

The meeting will host Dr. Achille Messac, the newly appointed dean of the James Worth Bagley College of Engineering, as its headline speaker. Other speakers will include members from each branch of MSU’s EcoCAR 2 team, and its faculty advisor, Dr. Marshall Molen.

Attendees will learn the details of the competition, the benefits of being on the team, and how involvement can help students get a job upon graduation. Stromboli’s pizza will be served free of charge.