Contact: Morgan Tubbs

STARKVILLE, Miss.--Award-winning writer Lorraine M. López will be the featured guest Jan. 31 for the first 2013 spring semester program of Mississippi State's Robert Holland Visiting Writers Series.
Open to all and sponsored by the university's English department, the reading by the Vanderbilt University faculty member begins at 7:30 p.m. in McCool Hall's Taylor Auditorium (Room 124).
López is an associate professor of English teaching in Vanderbilt's creative writing graduate program. She also is associate editor of the VU-based Afro-Hispanic Review, a bilingual journal of Afro-Hispanic literature and culture published by the Spanish and Portuguese department.
She is the nationally recognized author of five books of fiction and editor or coeditor of two essay collections.
"Soy la Avon Lady and Other Stories" (Curbstone Press, 2002)--López's short story collection--won the inaugural Miguel Marmól prize for fiction. Her second book, "Call Me Henri" (Curbstone Press, 2006) received the 2007 Paterson Prize for Young Adult Literature, while the novel, "The Gifted Gabaldón Sisters" (Grand Central Press, 2008) was a Borders/Las Comadres Selection of the Month.
In 2010, she was recognized with the Texas League of Writers Award for Outstanding Book of Fiction.
Books by López will be for sale before and after the McCool Hall reading.
The Holland Visiting Writer Series is a memorial to the former MSU English department head.
For more information on the Thursday program, contact Becky Hagenston at 662-325-3644 or