Columbus, Starkville students to be part of children's concert series

Contact: Margaret Kovar

STARKVILLE, Miss.--The Starkville/Mississippi State University Symphony Association and Columbus Arts Council are co-sponsoring a series of concerts for children and the general public.

In Columbus Oct. 25, the 60-piece Starkville Symphony Orchestra will perform for kindergarten-fifth grade students at 12:30 p.m. in Mississippi University for Women's Rent Auditorium. A full concert also will take place in the location at 7:30 p.m.

K-5 Starkville students are being invited Oct. 26 to 8:45 a.m., 10:20 a.m. and 1 p.m. performances at the First Baptist Church.

All of the Thursday and Friday events are free and open to all.

The programs' highlight will be the first movement of the Double Concerto in D minor for Two Violins and Orchestra. Soloists for the composition will be members of the Suzuki Method programs led in Columbus by Diane Ford and Trudy Gildea, and, in Starkville, by Shandy Phillips.

The soloists include Aidan Dunkelberg, son of Kendall Dunkelberg and Kim Whitehead; Cassie James, daughter of David and Vicky James; Stephanie Smith, daughter of Erik and Kimberly Smith; Gracie Swartzendruber, daughter of John and Debra Swartzendruber; Daniel Jones, son of Rhonda and Garry Jones; Lillian Fulgham, daughter of Bonnie Renfroe and Fritz Fulgham; and Helen Peng, daughter of Xiaoling Tong and Edward Luke.

For additional information about the events, contact the MSU music department at 662-325-3070.