Adams to give motivational seminars Sept. 17-18

Dr. Howard G. Adams, founder and president of H.G. Adams & Associates, Inc., will conduct four seminars Sept. 17-18, with one session for faculty/staff and three for students. A leading expert in mentoring and mentorship programs, he is the author of 15 self-help career, personal, and professional guides and handbooks. He has spoken at over 600 colleges and universities, presented seminars and workshops for Fortune 500 companies, and served as the keynote for hundreds of business and government conferences.

The sessions are:
The Role of Faculty & Staff in Creating an Enabling Learning Environment
Faculty/Staff Presentation
Sept. 17, Colvard Student Union Ballroom
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Light Lunch Provided

Making the Case for Graduate School
Student Presentation
Sept. 17, Colvard Student Union, Fowlkes Auditorium
3-4 p.m.

Goal Setting-Engineering Success
Student Presentation
Sept. 18, Hand Lab, Room 1100
3:30-4:20 p.m.

Strategic Thinking for Achieving Academic, Career, and Personal Success
Student Presentation
Sept. 18, McCool Hall Auditorium
5-6 p.m.

To register, click here. The two-day event is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President, Bagley College of Engineering, Office of Diversity and Equity Programs, and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Live.