Volunteer for Service DAWGS Day on Aug. 13

On Monday [Aug. 13], at 8 a.m., in the MSU Junction, hundreds of MSU students, faculty, and staff will participate in Service DAWGS Day (Donate A Wonderful Gift of Service). After a quick breakfast, volunteers will be shuttled out to 25 different service sites throughout Starkville and Oktibbeha County and will return around noon for a free lunch and service organization fair.

Participating organizations include Up 'Til Dawn, Swirl Starkville, Student Veterans Association, Student Affairs Graduate Association, Silver Wings, Alpha Phi Omega, Active Minds MSU, and MSU's Chapter of America's Society for Microbiology.

To volunteer for Service DAWGS Day, click here. For more information, contact the Maroon Volunteer Center at 662-325-2150 or volunteer@saffairs.msstate.edu.