Football fans encouraged to visit new website

Contact: Harriet Laird

Game day at Mississippi State just got even better with the addition of a new fan website,
Game day at Mississippi State just got even better with the addition of a new fan website,

Game day at Mississippi State is back this weekend with the season's home opener at Davis Wade Stadium, and Bulldog enthusiasts now have even more reasons to cheer with the introduction of a new football-friendly website,

The new site offers instant access for fans to browse the latest activities surrounding all seven home games on Scott Field.

"We're excited about being able to offer fans this up-to-the-minute information on tailgating, traffic and parking, weather, and much more," said Amy Tuck, MSU's vice president for campus services and chair of the university's game day committee.

MSU Athletic Director Scott Stricklin also encouraged fans' usage of the site.

"Visit the site fully, particularly on game day. It provides relevant door-to-door information to fans who plan to visit the campus for football this fall," he said.

Specifically, fans can view GPS directions for vehicle and pedestrian travel to key campus locations, information on shuttles that includes real-time tracking, and an interactive parking map with traffic flow features.

Tuck said, "Giving our fans the safest and most enjoyable game day experience is our No. 1 goal, and the availability of this site will increase involvement and familiarize visitors even more with everything from traffic flow to tailgating tips."

Access to the new fan guide site is also available by visiting the MSU Athletics game day site, where a splash page offers both site options. The athletics site continues to provide information on team comparisons, game broadcasting, pregame and halftime festivities, and more.

Constant updates will be available through the game day Twitter account, @mstategameday. Stadium information, parking changes, traffic reports, policy reminders, and even game day tips such as the best routes for exiting campus after games will be received by Twitter followers.

Also, the game day committee is busy developing a free mobile app that smartphone users will soon be able to add to their devices.

Other updates to this year's game day fan information include:

--closing of roads four hours prior to kickoff;

--enhanced, paid park and ride at the Thad Cochran Research and Economic Development Park, with an increased security presence, restroom facilities and complimentary shuttle service;

--new eateries opening soon with Freshens smoothie and crepe shop in Colvard Student Union, Subway sandwich shop next to State Fountain Bakery, and a "new" State Fountain Bakery with even more "sweet" offerings;

--a one-stop shop for tailgaters called "Game Day Central" at the corner of Creelman St. and Stone Blvd. where MSU Dining orders and supplies can be picked up;

--continued recycling efforts, with the placement of black (garbage) and blue (recycling) bags available on poles located throughout game day areas.

For more information about Mississippi State University, visit