Local alumni chapters begin sending off new students to MSU

Contact: Sheri Pape

STARKVILLE, Miss.--Mississippi State alumni groups again are organizing send-off parties for local students around the country who are enrolling for the first time at the university.

Co-sponsored by the MSU Alumni Association and Office of Admissions and Scholarships, this is the seventh consecutive year these events have taken place. The various parties will begin Saturday [July 21] and continue through Aug. 9.

"Send-off parties help encourage enthusiasm and school spirit for our incoming students," said Jimmy Abraham, alumni association executive director. "It also is a chance to bring together chapter members, MSU faculty and staff, our students and their families."

Abraham, also associate vice president for development and alumni, said more than 60 chapters--a record number--have scheduled events across Mississippi, as well as in Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and other states.

"We have had tremendous support through the years from our chapters for this nationwide event," said Abraham. "It is the perfect opportunity for our alumni and friends to welcome our newest students to our forever maroon and white family."

Participating students and families will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from the admissions and scholarships and alumni association offices, along with other campus units. Also helping answer specific questions regarding campus life at each gathering will be one or more MSU faculty or staff members.

To view the entire send-off schedule, click here.

For more information on Mississippi State University, visit www.msstate.edu.