MEDIA ADVISORY: Mechanics, materials meeting at MSU

Contact: Jim Laird

Many of the nation's leading researchers in computer modeling and simulation are at Mississippi State this week.

The university's James Worth Bagley College of Engineering and Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems is hosting the third-biennial Symposium of Predictive Science and Technology in Mechanics and Materials.

The three-day event, which begins Tuesday [June 26], brings together representatives of academia and industry with counterparts in the U.S. departments of Defense and Energy.

Emerging research, new techniques and high-performance computing in engineering can lead to better-designed manufacturing facilities and procedures, said event co-organizer Mark Horstemeyer, an MSU CAVS Endowed Chair of Mechanical Engineering and chief technical officer at CAVS.

While not a public event, sessions are open to interested members of the media. More information is online at

Located adjacent to campus in the Thad Cochran Research, Technology and Economic Development Park, CAVS is an interdisciplinary center composed of engineering, research, development, and technology transfer teams focused on enhancing human and payload mobility. Over time, the center's research activities have focused on material science, manufacturing process modeling, computational mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, multi-scale modeling, and vehicular systems engineering, among other areas.

For more information, contact Horstemeyer at 662-325-7308 or