Contact: Allison Matthews

STARKVILLE, Miss.--A Mississippi State department head is now serving on the board of directors for the American Real Estate Society.
Michael Highfield, associate professor of finance and department head of finance and economics in MSU's College of Business, was recently elected to the 20-member board, which consists of 12 academic and eight practitioner members. Highfield was one of two members elected to the board at the 2012 ARES Annual Meeting in mid-April. Board members are elected to 5-year terms.
Founded in 1985, the ARES boasts a membership of more than 1,500 academics and practitioners from across the United States and around the globe. The society is dedicated to producing and disseminating knowledge related to real estate decision making and the functioning of real estate markets.
The objectives of the ARES are to encourage research and promote education in real estate, improve communication and exchange of information in real estate and allied matters among college and university faculty and practicing professionals, as well as to facilitate the association of academic, practicing professional, and research persons in the area of real estate.
The association publishes six real estate journals including the highly-rated Journal of Real Estate Research.
"I was thankful to be nominated, but being elected to the ARES Board of Directors is indeed an honor," Highfield said.
"This says a lot about what we have been able to accomplish at Mississippi State University in the area of real estate research. I have been fortunate to develop a great network of successful and supportive colleagues through my participation in ARES, and I will do my best to give back to this outstanding organization in my new role," he added.
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