MSU yearbook returns in print, online

Contact: Morgan Tubbs

STARKVILLE, Miss.--Mississippi State's yearbook, "Reveille" will return this year in print, along with a digitized version through MSU Libraries.

The photograph-heavy, student-produced record of university life was published first in 1898 and then from 1906-2008, with the exception of 1944, when the volume was suspended to conserve paper for the war effort.

Through considerable efforts of the 2011-12 Student Association, the latest edition is being printed and will be mailed over the summer to individuals who pre-ordered a copy.

Through a subsidy grant from the New York-based Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the university library system also has joined with the Lyrasis Mass Digitization Collaborative to provide a digital version of both the latest and all previous editions.

"The Reveille issues are being digitized in reverse order, with the first batch mostly complete," said Randall McMillen, coordinator of MSU Libraries' Digital Projects and Access Unit.

The easily searchable volumes will be freely available for partial or complete download.

For updates on the digitization process, interested MSU students, staff, faculty, alumni, and others should check the library website,

Mississippi State is online at