MSU police lieutenant graduates from FBI program

Contact: Robbie S. Ward


STARKVILLE, Miss.--When Mississippi State University prepares for major events, university police Lt. Kenneth Rogers relies on his planning, years of experience and other officers' insights to help keep the area safe.

Rogers, special events coordinator for MSU's police department, now has additional help with special events on campus. He is equipped with advice from law enforcement officers who worked at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles and others who worked during World Trade Organization protests in Seattle, Wash. He dramatically expanded his professional network of police and other law enforcement officers recently when he completed the 10-week FBI National Academy Program in Quantico, Va.

As Rogers participated in the program, he joined colleagues in organizations from 48 states and 28 other nations, three military organizations and five federal civilian organizations.

"What I learned there definitely benefits me in special events here," said Rogers, a Starkville native who has worked at the university for 16 years.

Annually, Rogers is in charge of planning for athletics, concerts, Greek life activities and other events at the university. Planning law enforcement coverage of events on campus often can feel like a chess game with uncertainty. Rogers said learning from others helps give a new perspective that can improve safety on campus.

Along with insights and other advantages of professional networking gained from the FBI's program, Rogers took college-level courses that included leadership, organizational change, dealing with the media, forensic sciences, and fitness. He also completed the Yellow Brick Road, an optional fitness test at the end of the training program. Rogers took home an honorary yellow brick for completing the 6.1-mile run and obstacle course.

MSU Police Chief Georgia Lindley describes the FBI's training program as "kind of like the master's degree of law enforcement."

Lindley said Rogers is the fourth member of the MSU police department to attend the training program in recent memory.

"The program is selective on who they let in, and it can take years to get selected," she said.

Along with his planning of campus events, Rogers also is accreditation manager for the MSU police department, one of only six in the state with Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. While the next accreditation takes place in December 2013, Rogers said he continues to takes steps to help the department prepare for the evaluation.

Rogers said he enjoys working in law enforcement, particularly at MSU. He also feels a sense of duty for his line of work.

"The saying is true--without any law, there is no order," he said.

For more information, contact MSU police Lt. Kenneth Rogers at 662-325-2121 or