MSU art department now exhibiting student work at two locales

Contact: Margaret Kovar

STARKVILLE, Miss.--The Mississippi State University art department is holding two concurrent spring semester exhibitions.

The annual Student Competitive Show at the ground-floor McComas Hall Gallery continues through Friday [March 23], with a Thursday [March 22] public reception and awards ceremony to begin at 5:30 p.m.

Also through Friday is the AIGA Show at the department's Visual Arts Center, located at 808 University Dr., with a 6:30 p.m. Thursday reception.

Regular viewing hours for both galleries are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday.

The student show features the works of senior art majors that recently were selected by jurors Lisa Freiman and Brigid McCarren.

Freiman, senior curator of contemporary art at the Indianapolis (Ind.) Museum of Fine Art, served as U.S. commissioner to the 2011 Venice Biennale. McCarren is the art director for HOW Magazine, a major journal and resource for the field of graphic design.

The AIGA Show includes creations by MSU student members of the national organization that provides professional development in the broad field of communication design. (For more, visit

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For additional information about these events, contact the art department at
