Contact: Margaret Kovar
STARKVILLE, Miss.--Mississippi State's President's Commission on the Status of Women is taking applications for the 2012 Student Leadership Award.
The award seeks to recognize and help develop leadership skills for outstanding undergraduate students actively working to enrich the lives or experiences of women at the university.
In addition to a resume listing accomplishments, honors and activities, interested students must submit an 800-1,000 word essay, describing how they, through field of study, campus involvement, and/or community service, are working to improve the lives of women. A description of work already done, as well as future projects, should be included.
March 9 is the deadline for submissions, which may be sent electronically in PDF format to, or hand-delivered to the Office of Diversity and Equity Programs, 106 McArthur Hall.
To be announced and recognized April 3 at the annual Outstanding Women's Awards Ceremony, the winner will receive an all-expenses paid trip to the May 31-June 2 National Conference for College Women Student Leaders at the University of Maryland, a $150 cash award, lunch with MSU President Mark E. Keenum and an invitation to attend a PCSW meeting.
The PCSW was created in the late 1970s to advise the university president on issues affecting the status and role of women on campus. (For more information, visit