'Investing In Innovation' at MSU Feb. 21

Contact: Jim Laird

STARKVILLE, Miss.--Innovation and its economic impact will be in play for Mississippi State University's Investing In Innovation conference Feb. 21.

The land-grant institution's Office of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer will host I3 Day at the Hunter Henry Center beginning at 11 a.m.

"I3 Day will showcase Mississippi State's partnerships with the private sector, and provide opportunities for participants to explore the resources and services we provide to existing businesses, startup companies and entrepreneurs," OETT director Gerald Nelson said.

In a recent study, the National Research Council found that the primary drivers of future economic growth and job creation are going to come from advances in science and engineering. Mississippi State and other flagship research institutions already are contributing to the coming wave of innovation-based economic expansion via education, research and outreach.

I3 Day highlights include a tip-off luncheon, an intellectual property showcase, tours of the Thad Cochran Research, Technology and Economic Development Park, a student "elevator pitch" competition, panel discussions, breakout sessions and the Final Four Innovation Awards. I3 Day activities conclude with a networking social hour beginning at 5:15 p.m.

There is no charge to attend I3 Day, but participants must register by Feb. 14 for the luncheon and to be eligible for door prizes. Contact Sheree Bouchillon at shereeb@oett.msstate.edu to register.

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP, Butler Snow O'Mara Stevens and Cannada PLLC, Harrelson & Associates, Jimmy Sanders Inc., MSU Research and Technology Corporation, and MFJ Enterprises Inc. are sponsors of I3 Day, which is being supported on campus by the Office of Research and Economic Development, Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Forest and Wildlife Research Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, and the Department of Management and Information Systems in the College of Business.

A detailed conference agenda is available online at www.oett.msstate.edu.

Mississippi State is online at www.msstate.edu.