Want to make a difference in the life of a child at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital? It's as easy as sending letters! The Up 'til Dawn student organization is looking for students, faculty and staff to get together and create letter-writing teams to beat out childhood cancer.
How does it work? Simply gather up to 10 friends to create a team, and each team member will bring a list of addresses to the Letter-Writing Event on Feb. 8, from 6:30-9 p.m., in the Colvard Student Union, Foster Ballroom, to write letters to friends and family asking for donations.
There will be prizes for teams who write the most letters and raise the most money through their letters, as well as music and food. Teams who register by Friday [Feb. 3] will receive extra points toward prizes. Teams or individuals may also register at the Letter-Writing Event on Feb. 8. Contact Meredith McKee, recruitment chair, at uptildawn.msstate@gmail.com or stop by the Maroon Volunteer Center on the third floor of South Hall to obtain a team registration form.