Contact: Margaret Kovar
STARKVILLE, Miss.--Mississippi State's campus radio station, WMSV-FM 91.1, is holding a "Peanut Butter Radiothon" this weekend to aid a Columbus non-profit in sending a supply of the protein-packed food to Haiti.
All activities will take place at the State Fountain Bakery, located on the lower level at the north end of the Marketplace at Perry cafeteria. Telephone and in-person commitments will be accepted 6 p.m.-midnight Friday [Dec. 2] and 6 a.m.-midnight Saturday [the 3rd].
The goal is to raise enough funds to cover 8,000 jars of peanut butter that the university station will purchase from Walmart.
Operation Ukraine is a non-profit organization providing humanitarian aid in 10 countries, including Haiti. [For more, visit]
Steve Ellis, radio station manager, said Walmart will deliver the jars directly to Operation Ukraine, and from there the U.S. Air Force will fly the shipment to Haiti.
For $10 (four jars), a contributor will receive an on-air "thank you." For $20 donations (eight jars), the donator gets to record a "shout-out" at the nearby radio studio. For a $30 case, the donator may pick a song from the station's catalog or bring a personal CD and make an on-air dedication.
Groups or organizations desiring to participate may donate $300--enough for 10 cases--and receive a half-hour of air time in January.
Individual jars of peanut butter may be provided in lieu of monetary donations.
To support the radiothon, MSU's food service provider, Aramark, will provide free coffee and peanut butter cookies at the bakery throughout the 24 hours of the event.
For more information, contact Steve Ellis at 662-769-9697 or