Help make a difference in the life of a child

Join students in the Up 'til Dawn student organization in raising money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. How can you do this? Get together with friends, classmates, roommates, your student group, intramural team, co-workers, and form a "letter-writing" team. Teams of students, faculty, and staff can participate in this event, and there will be prizes for teams such as "most creative team" and "team with the most letters written." The goal is 75 teams, so hurry and sign up to be a part of Up 'til Dawn. Make a difference in the life of a child.

To get team forms and sign up, come to the Student Involvement Office on the third floor of the Colvard Student Union or the Office of Student Leadership & Community Engagement on the third floor of South Hall. Have questions or need an electronic copy of the forms? Email Meredith McKee at