Dispose of unwanted medications at Take Back Day

MSU students, faculty and local residents can rid themselves of unused household medications Thursday [Oct. 27] as part of National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. The MSU Extension Service, Police Department and Student Health Center are facilitating the event, which is from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on the Drill Field.

Part of a U.S. Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement Administration initiative, the event gives the public a safe and easy way to dispose of unwanted prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Participants can dispose of medications without questions or identification and no inventory of discarded substances will be made. At the event, attendees may remove pills from their original container for direct disposal into the collection box or remove identifying labels and dispose of medications in their original containers. Liquid medications, such as cough syrups, also may be disposed of at this time. Liquid products should be tightly sealed in the original container. Site organizers will not accept intravenous solutions, injectables, syringes or illicit substances.

For more information, contact Amy Schmidt of the MSU Extension Service at (662) 325-8279 or aschmidt@abe.msstate.edu.