MSU to offer 10-week adult piano classes

Contact: Sammy McDavid

STARKVILLE, Miss.--Beginning Sept. 19, Mississippi State will offer a series of 10 evening classes for adults who wish to learn the basics of playing the piano.

The one-hour sessions begin at 7:30 p.m. and are organized and coordinated by Jackie Edwards-Henry, professor of piano and piano pedagogy in the university's music department.

Only 10 spaces are available and will be filled on a first-come, first-reserve basis. Cost for the program is $150.

After leading the first two classes, Edwards-Henry will supervise student teams providing instruction for the remaining eight sessions using materials she has developed. "I will critique every student teacher and guide the overall progress of the class," she emphasized.

"We define adult beginners as those who are 18 or older and have no prior experience with piano," Edwards-Henry added.

Classes conclude Nov. 28 and will not meet the Monday before Thanksgiving, the 21st. All sessions will take place in Building C of the music department complex on Morrill Road.

For more information on the class, telephone the music department at 662-325-3070 or contact Edwards-Henry at