Diversity Center announces September events

--Sept. 12
Dr. Satya Narayana will speak on "God's Attributes in the Indian Tradition,” 4 p.m., Colvard Student Union, Ballroom M

--Sept. 13
Borderless Hosts Event (volunteer families interact and engage with the international students at MSU), 6 p.m., Sanderson Center, Conference Room

--Sept. 16
Salsa Night, 6 p.m., MSU Union Courtyard

--Sept. 23
Downtown Block Party, 6 p.m., Downtown Starkville

--Sept. 27
UMOJA (“Umoja” is a Swahili term for unity. It gives students and student organizations an opportunity to showcase their various attributes, talents and missions.) 6 p.m., Lee Hall, Bettersworth Auditorium

For more information, contact the Holmes Cultural Diversity Center at 662-325-2033 or visit www.hcdc.msstate.edu.