Cross-college research proposals sought

The Office of Research and Economic Development is again soliciting proposals from Mississippi State faculty who desire to create interdisciplinary, cross-college research groups on campus.

These grants will be in the amount of $2,000 each and limited to a period of 12 months (renewable one time for a total of 24 months and $4,000). The grants are intended to facilitate interdisciplinary interaction between faculty and students that have a common research theme.

The collaborative teams are expected to meet on a regular basis, share research ideas, and prepare one or more proposals within the first 12 months to a funding agency.

To apply for a first time research facilitation grant, faculty should submit a request (not to exceed two pages) to ORED that outlines the proposed research topic, the names and departmental affiliations of the faculty who have agreed to participate, identification of what funding agencies would be interested in funding this topic, and whether or not there is international collaborative potential.

Proposals should be forwarded no later than Oct. 10 through the appropriate Associate Dean for Research to Ray Vaughn, Associate Vice President for Research. Submissions will be reviewed by ORED for funding decisions.

Questions concerning this opportunity should be addressed to Dr. Vaughn at or 325-3570.