Student football ticket information from SA

--Tents for Tickets

Tents for Tickets gives students an organized opportunity to camp out prior to the selling of student football season tickets, and this year's event is expected to be bigger and better than ever. Students can pitch their tents in the Junction beginning at 5 p.m. on August 26.

There will be a wristband process for those who camp out throughout the night, and only students who are present with the tent at the time of setup will get that wristband for the tent. Each tent will be allowed up to 10 wristbands, and those students must be present at the time the wristbands are given out for that spot in line. Wristbands will be given out for new spaces in line until midnight. Check-in for students will take place throughout the night, and further details will be announced upon tent setup.

Many events are scheduled throughout the night, and the Campus Activities Board will host two movies - "The Replacements" and "The Program." Other student organizations are planning activities as well.

Questions have arisen from students regarding what type of tent is meant by "Tents for Tickets." The term "tent" is used to designate your spot in line, you may bring a camping tent, a tailgate tent, or just lawn chairs and no tent. The idea of a "tent" is to give students a designated area for waiting.

--Front of the Line Pass

A Tents for Tickets Twitter raffle is scheduled for the event, where one lucky winner will get a fast pass to the front of the line. In addition to claiming the first set of student season tickets, the winner and five friends will enjoy the night's festivities in recliners with free food and refreshments. For a chance to win, students must follow @msstatesa, @CowbellYell, and @MSUCoalition. Information will be tweeted in the coming days from those accounts to determine the lucky raffle winner.

--Student Season Ticket Information

Student season tickets go on sale Saturday, August 27, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the M-Club ticket office in the Junction. Ticket cost is $35 for the season, and students must preset their student IDs to purchase tickets. Student accounts must be in good standing, with no holds.

To accommodate students who have conflicts with the Saturday ticket sales, a VERY LIMITED number of season tickets will be held back to be purchased on Monday morning. Those tickets will be sold first come, first served beginning at 8 a.m. at the Bryan Athletic Administration Ticket Office.

True Maroon shirts also will be on sale throughout the night and on Saturday. They can be charged to student accounts for $12.

--Tents for Tickets Schedule of Events

Friday, August 26:
5 p.m.-Junction opens for tent setup

5:45 p.m.-Student Fan Day begins (Newell-Grissom Building)

7 p.m.-Home Volleyball opener and Coaches Challenge

9 p.m.-"The Replacements" movie (Junction)

10:30-11:30 p.m.-Flag football and games (Junction-Campus Activities Board)

12 midnight-"The Program" movie (Junction)

Saturday, August 27:
8 a.m.-Student tickets on sale (Junction)