Public MSU program to explore 'other side' of space race

Contact: Sammy McDavid


STARKVILLE, Miss.--A nationally recognized authority on Soviet and Russian space programs discusses those and related topics Thursday [Sept. 1] at Mississippi State.

"Red Cosmos: Space Exploration, Mythology, and Soviet Popular Culture, 1917-1964" is the title of historian and author James T. Andrews' presentation. Open to all, his program begins at 5 p.m. in 150 McCain Hall.

Andrews' visit is co-sponsored by the university's history department, Bagley College of Engineering and Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development.

Director of Iowa State University's University Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities, he is the author of "Red Cosmos: K.E. Tsiolkovskii, Grandfather of Soviet Rocketry (College Station, 2009) and "Science for the Masses: The Bolshevik State, Public Science, and the Popular Imagination in Soviet Russia" (College Station, 2003). For more, click here.

Over a distinguished higher education career, the University of Chicago doctoral graduate has been honored with Fulbright-Hays, Social Science Research Council and National Endowment for the Humanities research awards, as well as several major teaching recognitions.

For more information, contact history department head Alan Marcus at

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