Borderless Hosts Program needs volunteer families

The Borderless Hosts program under the MSU Holmes Cultural Diversity Center, is seeking volunteer "host" families and international students for the fall and spring semesters.

The program pairs an MSU international student with a local family and gives both an opportunity for cultural learning and understanding. The student does not live with the family; instead, he or she participates in group gatherings sponsored by the center and interacts with one another in settings scheduled by the host family.

We encourage you to take this opportunity to exchange, engage and experience each other’s cultural norms, traditions and values. Through the sharing of meals, conversation, and activities, one can bridge the cultural gap and develop friendships that can last a lifetime.

The initial event to meet the host families and international students will be Sept. 13, at 6 p.m., in the conference room of the Joe Frank Sanderson Center. We will discuss the do’s and don’ts of the program and then retreat to the main gym for some fun games of Badminton.

International students attending MSU or local families, who are interested in participating in the program, should fill out an application at

Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Sept. 12.

For more information, telephone the Holmes Cultural Diversity Center at 662-325-2033.