Survey open to staff members

Staff Council (formerly Professional and Support Staff Advisory Council) is the official representative body for all MSU staff. Ensuring a positive work environment for our dedicated staff is a priority for Staff Council. We need your input to measure staff satisfaction with the current work environment at MSU and determine what areas, in your opinion, need to be improved at MSU.

Please take about 15 minutes to complete the 2011 MSU Staff Opinion Survey and enter an optional drawing to win one (1) of ten (10) $50 gift cards. By completing this important survey, you ensure that the opinions of MSU staff will guide our actions and lay the foundations for future improvements at MSU.

To complete the survey, please log in to using your MSU netID and Password, and click on the yellow survey to the left of your onCampus screen. Your netID is only used to log in and will not be linked to your responses.

If you have any questions about the survey or your rights as a participant in the survey, you may contact: Ms. Mary Vaughn, Staff Council Chair (662.325.6610,