Contact: Allison Matthews
STARKVILLE, Miss.--A regional education magazine is highlighting Mississippi State for the second consecutive year because of the university's online teacher education programs in the colleges of Arts and Sciences and Education.
MSU's Division of Academic Outreach and Continuing Education offers a variety of online programs, including five showcased currently in the Southeastern Education Network's SEEN Magazine. The featured distance education programs include:
--The curriculum, instruction and special education department's bachelor of science degree in elementary education and master of arts in teaching-secondary education;
--The leadership and foundations department's master of arts in teaching-community college instruction;
--The geosciences department's master of sciences in geosciences-teachers in geosciences; and
--The biological sciences department's master of science in general biology-teachers in biology.
The spring 2011 article may be viewed here.
MSU currently offers 22 distance-learning degree programs and eight certificate programs. (For more, visit
Based in Charlotte, N.C., the Southeastern Education Network is the only organization currently addressing the specific needs of educators who live and work in 12 states. Its focus areas include classroom management technology, curriculum standards and review, school safety and security, and character education, among others.
In addition to Mississippi and North Carolina, SEEN Magazine is distributed to teachers and administrators throughout Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
For more information about Mississippi State University, visit