Annual summer MSU floral design workshop opens registration

Contact: Robbie S. Ward

Applications now are being taken for the popular annual floral design workshop held each summer by Mississippi State's floral management program.

Now in its 12th year, the weeklong training typically draws participants to the university that range between floral business employees to homeowners interested in the latest design concepts for personal use.

July 5 is the registration deadline for the July 18-22 limited-capacity event to be held at the University Florist in the heart of campus. Early application is strongly encouraged.

"Open to both amateurs and professionals, our workshop teaches how to create specific floral designs from base mechanics to the finishing touches," said professor Jim DelPrince of plant and soil sciences department. He leads the training with faculty colleague Lynette McDougald, University Florist manager.

Both DelPrince and McDougald are accredited members of the American Institute of Floral Designers.

"We look for people who complete the workshop to feel more confident about creating floral designs, whether for home or for those in the business working to accommodate clientele requests," DelPrince said.

"Many seek the workshop experience for enrichment and do not intend to get into the profession, but enjoy decorating their own homes or perhaps helping decorate for events and holidays," he added.

The training covers a variety of topics, including:

--Conditioning cut-plant material;

--Proper use of flower foods and anti-transpirants, as well as the care, handling, storage, and packaging of conditioned materials;

--Designs for flowers to wear;

--Arrangements for vase flowers;

--Sympathy designs, including sprays; and

--Designing centerpieces, buffet arrangements and selections for entertaining.

The workshop fee is $499 if received by July 1; $550 thereafter. Tools and supplies are provided. For more, visit