'Take Back the Night' program brings Barbie Bassett to MSU

Contact: Sammy McDavid

Barbie Bassett
Barbie Bassett

"Pushing Past the Pain" will be the topic of inspirational remarks by Jackson television personality Barbie Bassett during an April 12 public program at Mississippi State.

A professional meteorologist and alumna of the university, she will be featured speaker for the 6:30 p.m. event in the Colvard Student Union's Foster Ballroom.

Sponsored by Division of Student Affairs and its outreach and sexual assault services department, Bassett's visit is part of MSU's Take Back the Night observance.

Begun in Belgium in the 1970s, Take Back the Night (www.takebackthenight.org/) is an international effort to protest and direct action against rape and other forms of sexual violence.

A master's degree graduate of MSU's broadcast meteorology program, Bassett is chief meteorologist for WLBT-TV. At the NBC affiliate station, she has received the Associated Press' best weathercaster honor four times since 2004.

She also is an adjunct professor of communication at Mississippi College, from which she received a bachelor's degree in mass communication. (For additional biographical information, visit www.mc.edu/beacon/feature-stories/barbie-bassett.)